My bodywork style incorporates neuromuscular (NMT), Swedish techniques, myofascial techniques and trigger point work. NMT is used to determine the origin of a neuromuscular pain.
Neuromuscular Techniques
Neuromuscular (NMT), techniques originate from Dr. Janet Travell, M.D., President John F. Kennedy’s personal physician and requires a higher level study and understanding of anatomy and physiology.
President Kennedy experienced chronic muscular pain and experienced great relief from Dr. Travell’s technique. She inspired me with her two texts: Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual: Volume 1 & 2. I’ve developed my style of NMT since 1983 which combines trigger point direct purchase, light friction to attachment points of individual muscles and Swedish for flushing toxins afterwards.
Janet Travell, M.D.
Trigger points are defined by Travell as “a focus of hyperirritability in a tissue that, when compressed, is locally tender and, if sufficiently hypersensitive, gives rise to referred pain and tenderness, and sometimes to referred autonomic phenomena and distortion of proprioception. Types include myofascial, cutaneous, fascial, ligamentous and periosteal tripper points.” Once a trigger point is discovered, I manipulate the spasmed muscle fiber using a variety of techniques to ease the spasm responsible for the pain. These techniques will reduce the discomfort and pain, including referred pain resulting from stressed, tight muscles.
Trigger Point
A trigger point is sensation perceived to originate from a specific spot and originates elsewhere. Neuromuscular (NMT) techniques are used to locate and address the origin of the pain more readily than traditional techniques and can help resolve problems more quickly.
Swedish massage
Swedish massage reduces muscular soreness after the application of NMT techniques. Swedish techniques utilizes long strokes to relax the tissue and provide an overall feeling of peacefulness. This technique “moves” the twenty two toxic by-products of a muscle out of the immediate area and into the lymphatic system for removal from the body which eases possible discomfort after the session.