Most of us are in agreement that it is important to consider our approaches to our bodies as we mature.
Senior Massage
Safe movement of muscular tissues helps seniors to have more movement and energy with less stiffness and pain. Geriatric massage is NOT modified Swedish massage; a common misconception. Very gentle techniques are applied and are very non intrusive to the skin.
Geriatric massage takes age-related health conditions and medications into consideration. Special theoretical knowledge and technical skills are applied and goes beyond what is usually taught in basic massage schools.
I have a certificate in Geriatric Massage Therapy from Sharon Puszko, PhD, CMT, co-founder and current instructor of Day Break Geriatric Massage Institute.
When we are in our 20’s and 30’s athletic trainers and nutritionists make very specific suggestions as to activities and food choices that support our goals and abilities. As we mature our personal plans must be modified. Why? The regime in our 20’s may not work with goals later on as our physiology changes. We must understand how we can better manage daily energy as well as aches and pains.
I am grateful for my life study of massage therapy and neuromuscular care; I am not naïve as to the changes in physiology. I listen to my body and put it together with literature by health care professions and colleagues who are actively participating in their health. I find myself making sound decisions about my body, mind and spirit… and I feel really good about my choices.
Changes in Senior Physiology
Changes in physiology, activities of the moment and decisions impact overall health more than I ever dreamed. I realize my self esteem can become affected by my physical energy, abilities and health; I am motivated to take an active role in my health.
Careful consideration of medical history is one key to a successful massage session
It is important to know about activities and injuries when formulating a massage session. I take time at the beginning of the session to gather this information. Side effects of medications is also a consideration during the session. Pressure, techniques and general approach will be adjusted to fit your needs. Side effects of medications are also a consideration during the session.
Muscles were made to move. Some seniors have restricted movement and may be walking with a walker or restricted to a wheel chair. Massage can manually move muscles for the senior and assist with more range of motion. It is good to drink water after a session because a hydrated muscle will be less stiff and painful.
Benefits of Massage
Research and those of us who receive massage know the following benefits to include:
- Improves immune system functioning
- Relieves stress and relaxation
- Increases circulation of lymph and blood
- Improves overall bodily functions
- Promotes well nourished healthy skin
- Reduces depression
- Increases self-esteem
- Increases mobility
- Relieves pain
- Improves memory
- Increases vitality
- Reduces high blood pressure
- Aids with relief from constipation
- Improves sound sleep
Massage can also ease symptoms of Parkinson’s, MS, Alzheimers, sleep disorders, emphysema, joint replacement, amputation, arthritis, bursitis, and even tendonitis.
Specific Senior Health Issues
Specialized geriatric massage therapy and neuromuscular therapy techniques can assist you with specific health issues associated with:
- Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Headaches
- Back Pain
- MS
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Lou Gehrigs (ALS)
- Alzheimer’s
- Diabetes
- Hospice
I am a voracious reader of medical journals, research articles and attend in-services and conferences in disease specific fields. I apply this information for a safe and relaxing session. I guarantee a meaningful session. Call me to discuss your areas of concern.
My professional network includes several physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, chiropractors, acupuncturists, physical therapists, and psychotherapists who are readily available for consult.